13 Dec 2014

016 friday experience 'Go nostalgic'

experience seek discover feel friday

After a crazy week of work and stresses, it’s important to take time out. When was the last time you had a night in to watch a nostalgic flick? So, go nostalgic to another era full of style and glam. I would have to say some of my Favs would be the Old Bond flicks, Hitchcock's 'Marnie' (Sean O'connery and Melanie Griffiths mum) 'Suddenly Last Summer' (Katharine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor) and the Original 'War of the Worlds' by HG Wells. So tonight turn off the lights, make some air popped popcorn with fresh butter drizzled over, kick up your feet and watch the screen to step back in time. I'm looking at 'The Ghost of Mrs Muir' with Rex Harrison or maybe Hitchcock's 'Dial M' for Murder with Grace Kelly

From Chapter 07 friday experience 2013 (Link)
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