12 Dec 2014

001 friday experience 'Walk barefoot in the Rain'

experience seek discover feel friday

I don't know about you but my week/diary/life is crazy as. When I'm so overwhelmed with tasks and tasks ahead I look to things that make me smile as relieve. This photo makes me smile :D In a world full info overload, deadlines and consumerism, it’s nice to take a breath and smile. So, today's self love exercise "Take your shoes off and walk barefoot in the rain and back. If you don't have rain, water the grass and walk through wet grass or even wet sand on the beach barefoot." When we have a deluge in Melbourne In sometimes still with a brolle would go out to walk in the rain & get my feet wet

From Chapter 07 friday experience 2013 (Link)
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Some More Post Links Below;

004 friday experience

'Laugh & Horse Around'

005 friday experience

'Take steps to Nowhere'

006 friday experience

'Dive into a Change'